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Natural First Aid Kits
My friends often laugh, but I have always had some form of a first aid kit with me at all times. It must be the combo of part mother (though I am not a mother - the instincts are strong :), and part healer. In addition to your usual first aid kit items , there are some amazing herbal and natural items you can add to your kit at home, car, day trip packs and purses that can make a huge difference! Click on the item to see where to buy it.
4 First Aid Kits:
*Mom's Purse
*Car Kit
*Home Kit
*Aconite - Helps relieve shock and trauma that result from sudden injury. Person is quite fearful. Also used if you get something in the eye - "arnica" of the eye remedy.
*Arnica - #1 remedy for shock, trauma, bruises, blows, sprains, muscle
injury. First remedy given after a traumatic event.
*Chamomilla - Calming (especially with children) and toothache pain.
*Belladonna - Use for early stages of food poisoning. Also used for heat stroke and sudden onset of fevers of unknown origin.
*Phosphorus - For jet lag, when feeling dizzy, sluggish, and absentminded.
*Rescue Remedy - Flower essence for shock, panic, fear, trauma.
*Ume Concentrate - For food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation, motion sickness, headache, hangover, fatigue, parasite prevention (This is my #1 recommendation if you stock nothing else!). Can also get the "plum balls" instead of liquid concentrate for easy carry.
*Tea Tree Oil - Apply topically to cuts, rashes, burns, bites, stings, sprains, fungal infection. Antifungal, antiviral nonirritating antiseptic oil.
*Herbal Salve - I make my own or you can buy one. Want it to include herbs like calendula, comfrey (wound healing herbs) and herbs like echinacea, goldenseal (infection fighting herbs). For cuts, wounds, bruises.
*Activated Charcoal - Food poisoning, diarrhea, gas. Can be used preventative too (when traveling, etc.).
*Aconite - Helps relieve shock and trauma that result from sudden injury. Person is quite fearful. Also used if you get something in the eye - "arnica" of the eye remedy.
*Arnica - #1 remedy for shock, trauma, bruises, blows, sprains, muscle injury. First remedy given after a traumatic event.
*Arsenicum - Food poisoning if lots of vomiting. Relieves abdominal pain if vomiting and diarrhea.
*Apis - For bee stings and insect bites that result in hot puffy conditions. These stings/bites are better from cold applications and worse from heat.
*Belladonna - Use for early stages of food poisoning. Also used for heat stroke and sudden onset of fevers of unknown origin.
*Bryonia - For broken bones, injury to bones, ribs, discs. Good for injuries where the slightest movement hurts. Also great for sore throats!
*Cantharis - For painful burns and scalds. For Sunburns and blisters.
*Chamomilla - Calming (especially with children) and toothache pain.
*Hypericum - For wounds and nerve damage to areas with lots of nerves such as the fingers, toes. For crushed injuries.
*Nux vomica - For nausea that is relieved from moving bowels, causes chilliness after vomiting, or is caused by overindulgence (food, alcohol, coffee, etc.)
*Phosphorus - For jet lag, when feeling dizzy, sluggish, and absentminded.
*Rhus tox - For sprains, strains, and stiffness. For injuries that are worse upon initial movement, but better after continued movement. Also helps to relieve poison ivy, rashes.
*Ruta graveolens - For sprains, torn tendons, and injuries to bone coverings. Use for bone pain and bruises. To be used after Arnica- 24hrs later if help is still needed. Use when cold air makes injury feel worse.
*Electrolyte beverage packets - Can buy or make your own (1/8 tsp baking soda and 1/8 tsp sea salt to 8 oz. water)
*Rescue Remedy - Flower essence for shock, panic, fear, trauma.
*Ume Concentrate - For food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation, motion sickness, headache, hangover, fatigue, parasite prevention (This is my #1 recommendation if you stock nothing else!). Can also get the "plum balls" instead of liquid concentrate for easy carry.
*Tea Tree Oil - Apply topically to cuts, rashes, burns, bites, stings, sprains, fungal infection. Antifungal, antiviral nonirritating antiseptic oil.
*Lavender Oil - For burns, headaches, bites, calms nerves. Anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. Apply topically, reduces infection.
*Herbal Salve - I make my own or you can buy one. Want it to include herbs like calendula, comfrey (wound healing herbs) and herbs like echinacea, goldenseal (infection fighting herbs). For cuts, wounds, bruises.
*Calendula Ointment - "Herbal Neosporin." or this one : Weleda Wound Care
*Activated Charcoal - Food poisoning, diarrhea, gas. Can be used preventative too (when traveling, etc.).
*Aconite - Helps relieve shock and trauma that result from sudden injury. Person is quite fearful. Also used if you get something in the eye - "arnica" of the eye remedy.
*Arnica - #1 remedy for shock, trauma, bruises, blows, sprains, muscle injury. First remedy given after a traumatic event.
*Arsenicum - Food poisoning if lots of vomiting. Relieves abdominal pain if vomiting and diarrhea.
*Apis - For bee stings and insect bites that result in hot puffy conditions. These stings/bites are better from cold applications and worse from heat.
*Cantharis - For painful burns and scalds. For Sunburns and blisters.
*Hypericum - For wounds and nerve damage to areas with lots of nerves such as the fingers, toes. For crushed injuries.
*Ledum - Black eyes, punctured wounds (that have not bled), insect or animal bites, fractures.
*Rhus tox - For sprains, strains, and stiffness. For injuries that are worse upon initial movement, but better after continued movement. Also helps to
relieve poison ivy, rashes.
*Urtica Urens - For bites and stings, rashes, burns. Itching, stinging, rashes.
*Electrolyte beverage packets - Can buy or make your own (1/8 tsp baking soda and 1/8 tsp sea salt to 8 oz. water)
*Rescue Remedy - Flower essence for shock, panic, fear, trauma.
*Ume Concentrate - For food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation, motion sickness, headache, hangover, fatigue, parasite prevention (This is my #1 recommendation if you stock nothing else!). Can also get the "plum balls" instead of liquid concentrate for easy carry.
*Herbal Salve - I make my own or you can buy one. Want it to include herbs like calendula, comfrey (wound healing herbs) and herbs like echinacea, goldenseal (infection fighting herbs). For cuts, wounds, bruises.
*Tea Tree Oil - Apply topically to cuts, rashes, burns, bites, stings, sprains, fungal infection. Antifungal, antiviral nonirritating antiseptic oil.
*Lavender Oil - For burns, headaches, bites, calms nerves. Anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. Apply topically, reduces infection.
*Povidone Iodine - A replacement for Hydrogen Peroxide. Use topically to
disinfect wounds.
*Aconite - Helps relieve shock and trauma that result from sudden injury. Person is quite fearful. Also used if you get something in the eye - "arnica" of the eye remedy.
*Arnica - #1 remedy for shock, trauma, bruises, blows, sprains, muscle injury. First remedy given after a traumatic event.
*Arsenicum - Food poisoning if lots of vomiting. Relieves abdominal pain if vomiting and diarrhea.
*Apis - For bee stings and insect bites that result in hot puffy conditions. These stings/bites are better from cold applications and worse from heat.
*Belladonna - Use for early stages of food poisoning. Also used for heat stroke and sudden onset of fevers of unknown origin.
*Bryonia - For broken bones, injury to bones, ribs, discs. Good for injuries where the slightest movement hurts. Also great for sore throats!
*Cantharis - For painful burns and scalds. For Sunburns and blisters.
*Chamomilla - Calming (especially with children) and toothache pain.
*Hypericum - For wounds and nerve damage to areas with lots of nerves such as the fingers, toes. For crushed injuries.
*Nux vomica - For nausea that is relieved from moving bowels, causes chilliness after vomiting, or is caused by overindulgence (food, alcohol, coffee, etc.)
*Phosphorus - For jet lag, when feeling dizzy, sluggish, and absentminded.
*Rhus tox - For sprains, strains, and stiffness. For injuries that are worse upon initial movement, but better after continued movement. Also helps to relieve poison ivy, rashes.
*Ruta graveolens - For sprains, torn tendons, and injuries to bone
coverings. Use for bone pain and bruises. To be used after Arnica- 24hrs
later if help is still needed. Use when cold air makes injury feel worse.
*Urtica Urens - For bites and stings, rashes, burns. Itching, stinging, rashes.
*Arnica Oil - for bruises and black eye - unbroken skin only.
*Baking Soda - Mixed with water to forma paste and applied to insect bites
and stings. Can apply to poison ivy rash too. Also used in electrolyte
*Bromelain - Enzyme that naturally occurs in pineapple. Helps relieve
swelling due to sport injuries, dental work, and surgery. Take 500-mg
capsule x 3/day. Take hours away from eating meals.
*Electrolyte beverage packets - can buy or make your own (1/8 tsp baking soda and 1/8 tsp sea salt to 8 oz. water)
*Castor oil - Used on bruises.
*Rescue Remedy - Flower essence for shock, panic, fear, trauma.
*Ume Concentrate - For food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation, motion sickness, headache, hangover, fatigue, parasite prevention (This is my #1 recommendation if you stock nothing else!). Can also get the "plum balls" instead of liquid concentrate for easy carry.
*Herbal Salve - I make my own or you can buy one. Want it to include herbs like calendula, comfrey (wound healing herbs) and herbs like echinacea, goldenseal (infection fighting herbs). For cuts, wounds, bruises.
*Tea Tree Oil - Apply topically to cuts, rashes, burns, bites, stings, sprains, fungal infection. Antifungal, antiviral nonirritating antiseptic oil.
*Lavender Oil - For burns, headaches, bites, calms nerves. Anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. Apply topically, reduces infection.
*Povidone Iodine - A replacement for Hydrogen Peroxide. Use topically to
disinfect wounds.
*Calendula Ointment - "Herbal Neosporin" or this one : Weleda Wound Care
*Activated Charcoal - Food poisoning, diarrhea, gas. Can be used preventative too (when traveling, etc.).
*Witch Hazel - For cuts and scrapes.
Kruzel, Thomas N.D. The Homeopathic Emergency Guide. Berkeley: North Altlantic Books, 1992. 141-147. Print.
Mars, Bridgette. Natural First Aid. Vermont: Storey Books, 1999. Print.